
Odyssey is stronger the more Oktanauts contribute to it.

Odyssey encourages contributions of all kinds

  • Feature requests
  • Bug reports
  • Changes to existing design and code
  • New design and code
  • Suggestions

Why contribute

Contributing prevents duplication. If you’re working on a component or pattern that’s likely to be used by other teams, adding it to the library helps us avoid reinventing UI elements or designing multiple answers for the same problem.

Contributing increases your impact on the whole product. Instead of your work benefiting a single feature and team, every team and feature benefit from your work.

Contributing keeps our designs and code maintainable. Designs in the Figma UI Kit and Coded components in the React Library need to remain aligned. If we build one-offs and escape hatches, our Workforce products become unmaintainable.


How to contribute design or code

Have questions or need support?

Oktanauts can use the following resources when building with Odyssey:

  • Check the Odyssey 1.0 FAQs.
  • Join #odyssey in Slack to ask questions and stay up to date about the design system.
  • Attend Odyssey Office Hours on Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-1:30 p.m. PT / 4-4:30 p.m. ET.
  • Submit bug reports and feature requests to the Odyssey Jira board
  • Request a new component using the Odyssey component proposal.